AMG International

David and Mandy traveled to Chattanooga, Tennessee in May as part of the AMG application process. We were concerned that this trip was going to be prohibitively costly, but one of our partners came forward and helped us with airline passes. Bless his beautiful heart!! God always meets our needs!

We were very impressed with the AMG offices in Chattanooga. We had prayed for months over our decision to pursue a relationship with AMG and this trip provided confirmation that this is God’s plan for us. We are at peace with our choice to move in this direction and we are so happy to contribute our skills to the work here in Guatemala. It was wonderful to meet and get to know our coworkers in the main office and be able to appreciate their hearts for serving God. Furthermore, it is an honor for us to work with such a well established, gospel driven and effective organization. Please take a minute to explore the AMG website: you can learn more about AMG’s 28 facilities in Guatemala at:

I (Mandy) received a team for AMG two weeks ago. They came and gave a beautiful facelift to the Las Vistas project by painting it a bright yellow and blue. One of the young ladies on the team painted a cheerful mural on a prominent wall of the school to add a little extra loveliness. The project kids and staff were literally blessed to tears. I love this job! I will receive five more teams this year. They will work on our various projects, share God’s love with the kids in the program and also provide medical care. Teams provide much of the building and maintenance for our projects. If God is moving your heart to pull a short-term missions team together, let me know, we can use you and I will take care of you personally!
If I rise on the wings of the dawn, if I settle on the far side of the sea, even there your hand will guide me, your right hand will hold me fast. Psalms 139:14